Stephanie Maynard
I love this movie. It was so suspenseful, but it was very heartbreaking too. I am so happy she decided to take self defense classes. Every female should learn how to take care of herself in this way. JLo really showed her husband. He deserved everything he got too. JLo was an amazing actress in this movie she was so convincing and just played her part perfectly and super amazing.
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En av Googles användare
Needless to say "Unexamined torture." Employ your self defense baby girl, I can relate. Whoever said some girls fate were of cruelty are too kind. If I may, as not to appear ungrateful, utterly lacking any refinement. All things considered, being slim, taking smaller bites plus chewing the manwich I am served in entirety, is always important for proper digestion. Only jesting, that's not how thirsty girls like myself having fast metabolisms gain any muscle mass. Rolling over was not one the tricks I ever learned as a refined young girl. Personality thing perhaps.
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