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Escape Room

2019. • 99 minuta
463 recenzije
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O ovom filmu

An intriguing invitation brings six strangers together. Initially, they think they have gathered for a highly immersive escape room, but they soon make the sickening discovery that they are pawns in a sadistic game of life and death. Together, they move from one terrifying scenario to the next as they find clues and solve puzzles. But the players soon learn that exposing their darkest secrets may hold the key to survive.

Ocene i recenzije

463 recenzije
Luvluv Lylie Cawaii
18. novembar 2019.
This is a good movie with twisted ending. Kinda "SAW" movie type but in elegant way. You wont see part of body cutting off, a mask man laughing in the vid, blood that might be disgusting to watch. No. In this movie, you'll be nervous to watching how they survive, guess whats next room is, think of whats the other clue and you'll guess who is the last survivor. This movie is worth to watch.
72 osobe smatraju da je ova recenzija korisna
1. jun 2020.
I was suprised hehe, we all know its like jigsaw plot but not all hehe I was amazed by the girl hehe I knew she was right and my heart melted when she came back to save the other guy hehe its suprising hehe, I kinda like amanda too hehe so sad she sacrificed just to save others, waiting for part 2!! Im excited!! Looking for more rooms to explore!
48 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
Diego Arrué
25. decembar 2020.
Es una gran película, capaz de transmitir si no miedo, tensión constante porque jamás sabes cuándo empieza o acaba el juego realmente además de las historias de los personajes que les dan suficiente profundidad para mantenernos atentos