
2020 • 101 минута
Отзывы: 52
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R (до 17 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

Приготовьтесь к самой экстравагантной, неистовой любовной истории о взрослении… и взрывах! Когда старшеклассники внезапно начинают необъяснимым образом взрываться (буквально!) прямо посреди школы, ученики выпускного класса Мара (Кэтрин Лэнгфорд) и Дилан (Чарли Пламмер) пытаются выжить в мире, в котором любой момент может стать для них последним. И когда между ними вспыхивает неожиданный роман, Мара и Дилан обнаруживают, что, поскольку завтра может и не наступить, они могут наконец начать жить сегодняшним днем!
Возрастные ограничения
R (до 17 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

52 отзыва
24 октября 2020 г.
**I don't know if I have spoiled anything so beware** Absolutely fell in love with this movie but the last half was very disappointing and I guess I didn't have enough...closure. Literally would have given it 5+ stars if it would have turned out different. I think. I know, vague, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone. It grabbed my heart. (Should really be labeled a drama, or at least dark comedy instead of comedy. I mean, ultimately the concept is pretty horrifying so that would at least take me down to a 3-star rating, right?) "Spontaneous" kind of blurts out, "This is life, deal!" But at the same time, how very tragic. Could you imagine? NO, because you get NO closure. Just saying. I loved it.
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18 ноября 2020 г.
For an entertaining movie, along with some funny, & come on...HILARIOUS parts; in a “morbid” type of way.... Was a pretty good movie to watch, & take up 2 hrs (or so). Do I regret paying to rent, NOPE, & would I watch again. Yes, I think I would, which for me, means it’s a good movie to zone out, & take your mind off of life; exactly what movies SHOULD do for ya, if they don’t, & you don’t “enter” [their] world, imo, not a good movie. Cast was great, & could tell by how they got along. Could the writing have been better, & plot; maybe, but it worked. My score 4/5 based on, few factors, 1) didn’t stop after 5 mins 2) entertaining 3) humor in right areas 4) cast=good 5) I’d watch it AGAIN Not the typical review, but than, if I told you “about” the movie; would you watch it? So go ahead, take a chance, besides....doesn’t cost that much to escape the world, right?
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Andrew Stock
19 октября 2020 г.
This movie is fantastic and all the bad reviews really don't get the point of the movie. It's one of my favorite movies of the year.
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