Every Time We Say Goodbye

1986 • 97 de minute
4 recenzii
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Despre acest film

In this romantic drama set during World War II, David (Tom Hanks) is an American pilot serving with the Royal Air Force. While recovering from an injury in Jerusalem, David meets Sarah (Christina Marsillach), whose best friend is engaged to David's squadron leader. David and Sarah become fast friends and soon find they've fallen in love. However, Sarah's family are Sephardic Jews who are not enthusiastic about her seeing an American, particularly one whose father is a Protestant minister. While David and Sarah want to see their romance through, her family is just as determined to stop it, to the point of barricading her inside her room. Every Time We Say Goodbye marked the first English-speaking film role for Spanish star Christina Marsillach.

Evaluări și recenzii

4 recenzii
Laura De Souza
15 februarie 2014