Ominous Nefarious
They billed it as "Dazed and Confused" meets the 80's. It's not. It's summer 1980 so it's a bad part two of Dazed and Confused. 1980 is essentially the end of the 70's. There are no 'totally awesome' car stereos, arcades, walkmans, break dancing, rap music or electronic beats, rubics cubes, pocket Nintendo, not even a pocket tecmo bowl football game.The drinking age for beer was changed back to 21 in 1980 and these 18 year old college students are drinking beer at bars! So still waiting for 80's movie!
15 people found this review helpful

Kyle Hughes
everyone saying this isnt a good movie and isnt how it is billed should be raped its a great movie if you have the right open mind. maybe not dazed and confused in the 80s but more of a progression from dazed and confused into a similar film stylistically with a great ensemble cast and great production great writing and fantastic cinematography. AND the movie takes place in 1980 not 1985 where most of these televangelists thought/still think it takes place. 1980 was the 70s sugar coated. its a great film.
27 people found this review helpful

Ryan Smith
Not a bad movie. It's not for everyone tho. It is supposed to be the "spiritual successor" to Dazed and Confused (a MUCH better film!) but it's not in any way related at all. When I first saw this movie I actually hated it but it has grown on me since after watching it several more times. Honestly, I also hated Dazed and Confused when I first saw it but it's now one of my favorite movies! Everybody wants some isn't a bad movie, you just gotta let it grow on you I guess, like it has with me.