Eyes of the Dead

2018 • 82 минути
2 рецензии
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За филмов

After a plague of zombies invades a family’s once-peaceful hometown, the havoc they wreak is deadly. Eyes of the Dead is a zombie thriller that immerses the audience in a pulse-pounding, innovative survival experience. Relying heavily on practical special effects and a POV perspective, what you see on camera is what was filmed on that fateful day of the zombie invasion.

Оцени и рецензии

2 рецензии
Timothy Heinsohn
2 септември 2018
I mean, if I didnt say it was the worst zombie I've seen in years, I would be lying. It just, sucked. Like. All. Of. It. I spent the extra dollar buying it instead of renting it....and like I wish I saved that dollar. Salt to the wound man....that movie just sucked. Like real bad. I dont know how to explain that more.....it sucked. There we go. That was a good sum of it.
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