Fahrenheit 451

2018年 • 100分
63 件のレビュー


Ray Bradbury's futuristic novel about a world ruled by book-burning firemen is infused with a decidedly 21st Century sensibility in this dazzling, high-tech thriller. Michael B. Jordan, Michael Shannon and Sofia Boutella star


63 件のレビュー
Tony Dantes
While this movie is in no way a direct retelling of the original book, it gets the main point across. Not every movie based on books can recapture the significance of its original. This one is no exception. While the movie quoted important moral ideas from classic books, it failed to go in depth on the knowledge one can get from books versus just living a life not doing so. I could see the director wanted to link our society into this movie in some way. There was virtual reality, the likes and dislikes on the main screen connecting to social media. I believe what the director was trying to tell the audience was people linked into the internet pay no attention to the outside world. Why should they, when they are given no choices to choose from. If you are looking for this movie to recapture the experience you had reading the book, you will notice obvious things being left out, however the movie does gloss into important moral questions about where are society could be headed towards. Which i believe, the first book was trying to explain as well.
C Mill
It isnt a bad made movie it is just a stupid concept. The whole premise is just hard to stay with. A lot of things dont add up. The movie just gets dumber as it goes. Books are some underground religion suppressed by some Alexa device and a group that wants to suppress thought via social media. Well you don't have to burn books to get people to stop reading and thinking. All you have to do is make them Democrats.
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Don Craig
Another sci-fi classic ruined by the modern take on it. As usual, hollywood misses the point. This is something that does not benefit from chases and explosions. It's a good read, but should not have tried to come to a screen. HBO failed with this, but I just don't think that it should have been made.

