Fast and Furious 6 built on both the successful formula of the previous film and embraced the history of the franchise. (The latter is particularly evident in the opening-credits montage that highlights some of the series’ most memorable moments and images.) The movie manages to combine the emotional weight of the fourth film — which centers on Dom’s grief over Letty’s death — with the nonstop, oversize, thrill-a-minute action of Fast Five. This blend succeeds in making Fast Six an actual, honest-to-God good film. Not just good for a Fast and Furious film, not just good for an action movie. A good film, period. -By Eric Dodds
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Edwin Cardoso
God, terrible dialogue, cheesy and horrible script writing. Never been so disappointed on a movie before. What did I expect from a mediocre film? I wouldn't recommend it, but if you desperately want too see it, then go right ahead.
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Keenaan Elias
Paul walker was horrible in this movie. Everyone treats him like he's dead like why. This movie didn't make sense no one seemed that mad and the cars were going at super high speeds that are dangerous for regular interstate highways and they probably should have gotten thrown in prison for speeding and violence. Chris Christe 2016
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