Father Stu

2022. • 124 минута
111 рецензија
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О овом филму

Based on a true story, Father Stu is an unflinchingly honest, funny and uplifting story about finding purpose in a most unexpected place. After surviving a terrible motorcycle accident, Stuart Long (Mark Wahlberg) wonders if he can use his second chance to help others find their way — and leads this former amateur boxer to the surprising realization that he is meant to be a priest. Despite a devastating health crisis and the skepticism of Church officials and his estranged parents (Mel Gibson and Jacki Weaver), Stu pursues his vocation with courage and compassion, inspiring not only those closest to him but countless others along the way.

Оцене и рецензије

111 рецензија
Quinn Fulton
11. мај 2022.
A very powerful movie. The first that has caused me to laugh while crying. Mark Wahlberg turns in a great performance, as does Mel Gibson but that is no surprise. The actors portraying Father Stu's mother and girlfriend also turn in very solid performances. The only thing I thought lacking in the movie are more scenes of him as a priest. But they wanted to show more his journey. Also, Mark Wahlberg mumbles at times and it's hard to follow the conversation. But it is powerful and real story. B+
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Kenneth Yaw Agyeman-Badu
2. јун 2022.
Really enjoyed this one, was a bit slow but loved every moment. This 8s good enough to even make an u religious person think twice about a supernatural beings. Mark Wahlberg as usual was astounding in performance and dialogues... movie has it's funny moments and some scenes can put a tear in your eye. Highly recommend this one for some perspective.
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rod pinch
1. децембар 2022.
I really like this movie. It seemed slow at first to build the character but the second hour made an old guy like me tear up as the story developed. So much thanks to Mark and Mel for this moving true story. I will go to the theater to watch it a second time with my family. BTW, the R rating to me is not that much different than what I hear in many conversations. I won't watch the PG version myself. Loved the movie as is and will buy it too.
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