Favorite Son

2011 • 88 minút
3 recenzie
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Tento film

FAVORITE SON is a story of family, dreams deferred, and a final chance at redemption. David Paxton returns to his hometown much less the hero he once thought he would become. When he meets Joan, he believes he has found a way to acquire the love and family he's long been yearning for. While his romancing of Joan makes her wary, he somehow starts up a most unlikely friendship with her son Ross, a 14-year-old headed down a path toward destructiveness. David must break out of his isolation to help the young boy, and become a father figure in a way he never imagined, and in so doing, become a genuine hero off the field.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

3 recenzie
Gwendolyn Raspberry-Ryland
6. mája 2021
Very compassionate, and compelling movie!!
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