Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

2001 • 106 минут
157 шүүмж
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The year is 2065 AD. The Earth is infested with alien spirits, and mankind faces total extinction. Led by a strange dream and guided by her mentor, Dr. Sid, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to destroy the alien presence and pure enough to protect the planet. With the aid of the Deep Eyes Squadron, Aki must save the Earth from its darkest hate and unleash the final spirit. FINAL FANTASY is the groundbreaking new CGI film from the creators of the Final Fantasy Video Game Franchise. Starring the voices of MING-NA, ALEC BALDWIN and JAMES WOODS!! MPAA Rating: PG-13 2001 Final Fantasy Film Partners. All Rights Reserved.
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157 шүүмж
Google хэрэглэгч
2012 оны тавдугаар сарын 5
This movie is actually Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. The description is for a different, but just as good Final Fantasy movie. If you're a fan of the final fantasy series at all, or even just a future Sci-Fi nut, then I recommend this to you. This movie was done surprisingly well for when it came out. The computer gen that could do this quality was barely even out when this released. Enjoy it. Hate it. Its your deal. I thoroughly loved it though.
Google хэрэглэгч
2012 оны гуравдугаар сарын 27
The synopsis describes the movie "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children". But the picture and cast as stated earlier is from "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within". The first one is excellent, and deserves a 5 star rating, should be watched by ALL FF7 fans. The spirits within was good, but can be disappointing to those thinking it's got cloud in it. It doesn't. I'm not paying $3 to watch a movie that was mediocre at best (and frankly can be quite numbing to watch). Pick it up at a rental store for a buck somewhere. And while you're there rent advent children for a really good movie.
brandon parke
2014 оны тавдугаар сарын 7
It was a C- movie. The story was well put but the dialogue had to much explaining about mother gia a.k.a. earths spirit in each scene and it was unnecessary. Now the cg for it's time was excellent but this isn't final fantasy. If you want a final fantasy movie go check advent children. I would say if they remade this movie with the cg work updated and put it in theaters again it might actually do better for a 2nd time around. None the less it is still an enjoyable movie.