
2017 • 109 minut
705 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

Medical students experiment on "near death" experiences that involve past tragedies until the dark consequences begin to jeopardize their lives.

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705 recenzí
Uživatel Googlu
15. ledna 2018
I would literally give this movie 0 stars if I could. Thanks but no thanks. Ellen Page is the best part of this movie - and then Diego Luna shows up and becomes the only reason anyone should see this through until the end. $5.32 I could have spent on some powdered donuts at Wawa. Now I'm hungry and disappointed. It's almost like everyone in Hollywood is tacitly ok with murder as long as you can forgive yourself in the end, which... was gonna be a joke but I'm pretty sure everyone in Hollywood is ACTUALLY ok with murder. Except Diego Luna and Tom Hanks.
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Sierra D
28. prosince 2017
I have mixed feeling with this movie. I'm not entirely sure what to think... I think the back story is good, but it doesn't make sense to have their past haunt them. They should have focused more on the afterlife. Flatlining has nothing to do with your past mistakes coming to haunt you. It doesn't make much sense to me. The acting was good, but the story line couod have been better. It's a movie that wasn't a total loss cause, but I'm not going to watch it again.
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Early Black
17. prosince 2017
Wow this movie was bad on so many levels I'm rather surprised Ellen Page did this project she's a better actress than that . If you want to watch mediocre actors hallucinate and whig out for an hour and a half watch this movie . I honestly didn't care for the original that much but this one makes the original look like Citizen Kane .
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