
2011 • 87 minút
31 recenzií
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Tento film

Tripp Kennedy (Dempsey) ambles into a bank near closing time, just as two different gangs unwittingly converge to rob it. A shoot-out erupts, and Tripp tackles the smart, pretty teller, Kaitlin (Judd), to protect her. The gangs—one clearly made up of pros and the other a couple of buffoons named Peanut Butter (Nelson) and Jelly (Pruitt Taylor Vince) —have deadlocked themselves in a Mexican standoff. The bank's security system starts the end-of-day lockdown and seals everyone into the building. As the night evolves, a hilarious game of cat and mouse ensues as Tripp and Kaitlin try to save the day, escape being killed, and avoid falling in love . . . almost.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

31 recenzií
Dawn Neri
19. júna 2016
If you like offbeat humor and a mystery, you should check this one. Both Patrick and Ashley give great performances.
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Hannah Verret
15. júna 2016
This movie gets you thinking. It just boggles your mind and messes with your head. Best movie ever
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Cheyenne Sykes (Chey)
2. augusta 2014
So funny... Action packed and it has logic in it... I love Patrick Dempsey's role. Reminds me of Sherlock with a little bit of a twist...
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