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Ford V Ferrari

2020 • 152 daqiqa
114 ta sharh
G (hamma uchun)
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Academy Award® Winners Matt Damon and Christian Bale star in FORD v FERRARI, based on the true story of visionary American car designer Carroll Shelby (Damon) and fearless British-born driver Ken Miles (Bale), who together build a revolutionary race car for Ford Motor Company and take on the dominating race cars of Enzo Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France in 1966.
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G (hamma uchun)

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114 ta sharh
Mrit409 Proofnotfeelings
20-iyul, 2020
My only "real" problem with this movie is I knew that Carroll Shelby was 6 foot plus Texan and I just could not see Matt Damon playing him in a movie. Damon does a decent job but falls short (pun intended)
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27-yanvar, 2020
When i saw the trailer i was like.. Matt Damon is in this movie and i havent Seen Christian Bale in one for a long Time..So i told myself, the concept seems interesting and they got great actors so IT can't be too bad, and dawm... what i thought would be a fine movie turned out to be one of my favorite film of all time! I went to the theatre with my girlfriend and just halfway through i turned my head to look at her, she looked at me back, and we just knew IT was a 10/10 for us. Masterpiece!
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Mitch McDonald
10-fevral, 2020
This movie does everything right! Even if some of the the writing was made for the movie. The movie tells the history of Ford and Ferrari very well. It also gives us a good idea of the industry back then.
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