Frankenstein's Army

2013 • 84 minút
277 recenzií
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Tento film

In the dying days of World War II, a battalion of Russian soldiers find themselves lost in enemy territory. Stumbling upon a village decimated by an unseen terror, they discover that a mad scientist (Hellboy’s Karel Roden) conducts experiments to fuse flesh and steel, creating an unstoppable army of undead soldiers. Leaderless and faced with dissention amongst their dwindling ranks, they must find the courage to face down this terrifying new menace – or die trying.

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277 recenzií
Alberto Giovannelli
31. júla 2013
Outstanding flick! Definitely one of the better horror flicks to come out this year. The monsters in this movie are all so well done, the acting from everyone is awesome, and the special effects are great. A Russian army that speaks English? Sure, why not. Other than that, nothing else in the movie bothered me. I love the found footage feel to it (which, technically, should of all been black & white, but I'll let that go too). Highly, highly recommend this one. This actually would've been great to see in a theater.
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Lu ‚Helen the Napalm of Troy‘ the Rebel RN
28. júla 2015
Fun horror flick in the grainy "found footage" style complete with Nazi monsters hodge-podged together with whatever body parts and machinery are laying around (by the cartload), slaughter-house style laboratory, a touch of torture and attempted shock value that proves more amusing than terrifying. Pour a glass of wine or crack open a beer and enjoy!
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Alexander Zuckerman
6. septembra 2014
This movies pretty entertaining but all of the characters are incredibly unlikeable. The special effects are great. The look of all the monsters was very well made. But to be honest the acting was not very good. If anything you should just watch it for the gore and effects.
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