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Freaky Friday

2003 • 96 minút
503 recenzií
Hodnotenia a recenzie nie sú overené  Ďalšie informácie
Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Dánčina, Estónčina, Francúzština, Fínčina, Holandčina, Indonézština, Islandčina, Nórčina, Thajčina, Čínština (tradičné), Španielčina (Latinská Amerika) a Švédčina.

Tento film

Disney's FREAKY FRIDAY is the extremely funny and heartwarming comedy everyone will love. Dr. Tess Coleman (Jamie Lee Curtis) and her teenage daughter Anna (Lindsay Lohan) have one thing in common -- they don't relate to each other on anything. Not clothes or men or Anna's passion to be in a rock band. Nothing. Then one night a little mystic mayhem changes their lives and they wake up to the biggest freak-out ever. Tess and Anna are trapped inside each other's body! But Tess's wedding is Saturday and the two must find a way to switch back -- fast! Literally forced to walk in each other's shoes, will they gain respect and understanding for the other's point of view?

Hodnotenia a recenzie

503 recenzií
Francisca Nuñez
23. októbra 2019
Yo vi la pelicula ( freeky friday un viernes de locos ) con mi mamá y nos reimos muchos y nos divertimos viendo esta película..💖😘
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Bjørn Vegar Tømmervåg
28. decembra 2015
Dårlig at det ikke står noe om hva filmen handler om. Det å kun skrive hvilken sjanger, når den er spilt inn og hvem som har hovedrollen gir et dårlig inntrykk og gir ingen lyst til å kjøpe eller leie filmen. Det at det ikke er filmtrailer engang...
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Julia Clemente
23. apríla 2015
I watched this movie so many times on TV I know the story its Anna and her mother switched brains and when they read* the fortune cookie they thought there was an earth quake so I know this movie
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