Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

1986. • 87 perc
343 vélemény
17 év felettieknek
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A filmről

Jason rises from the grave to wreak havoc upon a new group of unsuspecting campers in the ultra-bloody rampage Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives -- Deluxe Edition. As a child, Tommy Jarvis killed mass-murderer Jason Voorhees. But now, years later, he is tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead. Determined to finish off the infamous killer once and for all, Tommy and a friend dig up Jason's corpse in order to cremate him. Unfortunately, things go seriously awry, and Jason is instead resurrected, sparking a new chain of ruthlessly brutal murders. Now it's up to Tommy to stop the dark, devious and demented deaths that he unwittingly brought about in this terrifying horror film that will take you to the grave and back!
17 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

343 vélemény
2016. július 23.
After Part V came out, people wanted the real Jason back. So the studio decided to bring him back, but in style! Jason Lives is by far one of the best Jason movies out there. It has a decent script and an amazing soundtrack! My only flaw with this movie is that it doesn't feel like a horror movie. It feels like more of an adventure movie with horror elements. The kills are okay but not the best. (B+)
22 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Up All Nite- Original Music
2017. április 25.
Once again, another good Friday The 13th sequel. Part 5 wasn't that good because Jason was a fake in the 5th one. But Friday The 13th Part 6 definitely cleans up the imposter mess that number 5 left behind. Once again Friday The 13th Part 6 follows Now grown Tommy Jarvis as he plans to cremate Jason's body. But we all know by now that Jason is actually resurrected setting him to return to Crystal Lake once more to slaughter his newest victims. Most of the characters throughout the film are fun and not as annoying as the characters in part 5. Part 6 is definitely a better produced sequel.
14 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Steven Stafford
2016. február 14.
This has always been my favorite of the Friday the 13th films. The pacing and kills are great. Some people say Part 4 (The Final Chapter) is superior, but I'd put part 6 up against it anytime.