Full Metal Jacket

1987 • 116 Minuten
2760 Rezensionen
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Über diesen Film

The story of an 18-year-old marine recruit named Private Joker - from his carnage-and-machismo boot camp to his climactic involvement in the heavy fighting in Hue during the 1968 Tet Offensive. MPAA Rating: R (c) 1987 Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved.

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

2760 Rezensionen
The Cinephiles
8. Jänner 2016
Scope is something that, in today's hodge podge of blockbusters, is often overlooked. While the first half of the film explores the hardships of a marine's journey through boot camp, the second act explores the real nature of war. If you look into the distance; beyond the film's foreground; you'll see these highly erected burning buildings which remain on fire for the duration of the run time. This shows the meticulous nature of Kubrick who demands perfection. What we get in the end is a gorgeously shot film that makes one feel as if they've stepped out from their theaters and into Vietnam. It's a tremendously enormous film that pulls the eyes away from the character to show off is spectacle but then immediately pull you back into the emotional journey of young Private Joker and his crew. Funny, enthralling and gripping; "Full Metal Jacket" will show you the obsession of Stanley Kubrick for absolute perfection.
Kyle Vansteelandt
3. Juli 2018
(WARNING: Spoiler Alert!)This is the definition of a timless classic about war. R Lee Ermey steal's the whole movie! His performance & his dialogue is aggressively top-notch! The acting by the whole cast is strong & brilliantly directed! & It has the dialogue i've ever heard in a movie. There are also some funny moments too. But my main issue with this film is that there isn't much plot to this film, the soilders are being trained, singing funny dumb war marine songs, fighting for their lives & for some reason it almost feels like a documentary. & to double that: there is a slow-paced scene where private joker killed the sniper at the end of the film. But overall i'm one of those people that love this classic film. Thumbs up for sure.
Zack Krocek
12. August 2013
I just had to watch FMJ after joining the Marine Corps. I figured it was about time I saw it since I had been meaning to for so long. But although it is praised by Marines for its greatness I have to say that it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Call me a blasphemer, but I won't find myself yearning to re-watch it again anytime soon. Still, FMJ was an awesome movie and one I won't forget.
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