Game Night

2018 • 100 daqiqa
1,01 ming ta sharh
R (17 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

Bu film haqida

Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams star as Max and Annie, whose weekly couples Game Night gets kicked up a notch when Max’s charismatic brother, Brooks (Chandler), arranges a murder mystery party, complete with fake thugs and faux federal agents. So, when Brooks gets kidnapped, it’s all part of the game…right? But as the six uber-competitive gamers set out to solve the case and win, they begin to discover that neither this “game”— nor Brooks—are what they seem to be. Over the course of one chaotic night, the friends find themselves increasingly in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn. With no rules, no points, and no idea who all the players are, this could turn out to be the most fun they’ve ever had…or game over.
Yoshga oid cheklov
R (17 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,01 ming ta sharh
Sean C
7-dekabr, 2018
I am genuinely surprised by the number of negative reviews I see on the most recent reviews list. I don't know if it's a question of bizarre expectations or just different standards of entertainment, but this was a recent comedy that struck me as darkly entertaining and well-worth the watch. The characterizations are just perfect with no character especially sympathetic, which makes many of the events that much more palatable as the story plays out. While this isn't the sort of film that will have stand-out performances or ever be nominated for prestigious awards, the reality is that it doesn't need to be that. It's a basic comedy that plays on amusing concepts and provides an entertaining journey through the realm of base absurdity. This won't be a movie that I watch again and again by any means, but I enjoyed it enough that I imagine I'll revisit it in a year or more and enjoy reacquainting myself with the antics of all involved. One note, however: Jesse Plemons gives an absolutely stand-out performance as the spurned neighbour longing to be a part of game night. I have yet to be disappointed by him in a role, and this is no exception.
38 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Robyn Ashforth
26-may, 2018
I feel that the protagonist of this review is a loudmouthed jerk. I've met him, his type and so has every one of us. He just plows over everyone, whether at work or at a bar, on the B Bal court or G course. We can just imagine him at work, his home life, and know precisely how he treats people and animals... any living creature. He's a self righteous bully, who is terrified of his own shortcomings.
194 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Scribbles Boo
30-may, 2018
Not the best, not the worst. Definitely wouldn't rent it again and more than likely wouldn't watch it again. It seemed as though they were trying entirely too hard, and whenever they didn't know what to do they would curse in hopes of making it better. The girlfriend from Ireland (but everyone keeps saying British and she keeps correcting them forget her name...) anyways her accent keeps coming and then magically disappearing and then magically reappearing. Sure there are some twists but it seems that the movie was poorly put together.
147 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan