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Game Night

2018. • 100 minuta
1,88 hilj. recenzije
Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: арапски, бугарски, грчки, дански, енглески, естонски, кантонски, кинески (поједностављено кинеско писмо), кинески (традиционално кинеско писмо), летонски, литвански, мађарски, немачки, норвешки, португалски (Бразил), пољски, руски, словеначки, тајски, фински, француски (Канада), хебрејски, холандски, чешки, шведски и шпански (Латинска Америка).

O ovom filmu

Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams star as Max and Annie, whose weekly couples Game Night gets kicked up a notch when Max’s charismatic brother, Brooks (Chandler), arranges a murder mystery party, complete with fake thugs and faux federal agents. So, when Brooks gets kidnapped, it’s all part of the game…right? But as the six uber-competitive gamers set out to solve the case and win, they begin to discover that neither this “game”— nor Brooks—are what they seem to be. Over the course of one chaotic night, the friends find themselves increasingly in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn. With no rules, no points, and no idea who all the players are, this could turn out to be the most fun they’ve ever had…or game over.

Ocene i recenzije

1,88 hilj. recenzije
Google корисник
7. jun 2018.
Without expectations on this movie, I really enjoyed it. It has a quick pace and funny jokes. It is just a fun movie, and you should treat it as is. It will not impact on great performances, but it fulfills its goal in making me laugh.
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has anyone seen jimin
1. jul 2018.
Bad! There's no story line at all, just threw all up together, as the half of the film is about with who Michelle had slept with...not "funny" or humorous as everyone says! LOW BUDGET MOVIE!
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Muhammad Naeem
23. septembar 2018.
بسرعة لقد ربحت هاتف ايفون 8 مجانا من موقع Rob7ak و 3 من اصدقائي ربحوا ، لتربح انت ايضا هاتف ايفون 8 اكتب في جوجل Rob7ak و ادخل للموقع الاول فقط ، موقع Rob7ak ليس نصاب وله مصداقية عالية من جوجل و نسبة الربح كبيرة جدا انا فقط اساعدكم اكتب في جوجل Rob7ak com و ادخلوا الموقع الاول الهاتف يصل حتى باب البيت مجانا.
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