Gangster Squad

2013 • 112 minút
1,58 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) runs the show in this town... that is until a crew of LAPD officers led by Sgt. John O'Mara (Josh Brolin) and Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling) wage war on his empire.

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1,58 tis. recenzií
Používateľ služieb Google
30. októbra 2017
Performances are relatively good. Costumes and sets are fairly well-done but don't make up for the mediocrity in character development and storyline. It reminded me more of a video game than a motion picture. The poster reminds me of L.A. Confidential, which it doesn't come close to reaching. I found myself bored, felt like the characters were trite and two-dimenhtioal and the storyline really blasé, to the point where I felt bored. Sean Penn, instead of menacing, was like a joke. Too much on-the-nose dialogue. It's a disappointment, too, because one can see how it could have executed better. A reminder that Hollywood has forgotten how to make movies.
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Lauren Hardie
3. mája 2013
This movie was subpar. Not surprising after the less than inspiring trailer I saw last year. If you're looking for a gangster movie with a great cast I'd recommend seeing it...once is enough.
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Shane Shelton
22. mája 2013
Flow of this movie seemed off. Seems like they didn't spend enough time developing what they were doing to all of the members of the squad questioning how ethical they were being. High potential, but I think this was a miss.
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