Ghostbusters II

1989 • 108 minút
797 recenzií
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Tento film

Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis take up their proton packs once more to battle the forces of evil in Manhattan! After waging a war on slime that cost New York City millions, the Ghostbusters find themselves out of business until an ancient tyrant, preparing a return to the Earthly domain through his portrait at the Manhattan Museum of Modern Art, sets his sights on Dana Barrett's baby as the new home for his wicked soul! With the help of the Museum's possessed curator, he plans to turn New York into a really scary place to live! Now only the Ghostbusters can save New York City, by turning paranormal pest control into an art form! © 1989 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

797 recenzií
Adrian Rosenlund-Hudson
16. marca 2019
Nearly as good as the first one. Happily, film makers back then (mostly) wanted to make new things, and didn't feel the need to kick the backside out of one set of characters, and Ghostbusters III was never made..... Oh, wait 🤔
20. decembra 2019
Он крутой. Если конечно ти поймёш что там приисходит. Например я понял и мне понравился, кароче советую посмотреть. Кста хоть фильм очень старий но я эго довсихпор смотрю а ищо я з 2020
31. augusta 2016
I mean i don hate the movie but this movie just playing the same thing has the first one. The writer don have any idea for this movie. But is still ok
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