Ghosts of Mississippi

1996 • 130 минут
7 отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

In 1963 civil rights leader Medgar Evers was murdered in his own driveway. For 30 years his assassin has remained free. Alec Baldwin stars as a dedicated young trial lawyer, and Whoopi Goldberg stars as the widow of renowned civil rights leader Medgar Evers in the true murder story Ghosts Of Mississippi. On June 12, 1963, an assassin's bullet kills Medgar Evers. But nearly 31 years pass before his killer faces justice when Attorney Bobby DeLaughter (Baldwin--The Juror, The Shadow) risks his career and his marriage to reopen a case nobody believes he can win. And though her goal has seemed hopeless, Myrlie Evers (Academy Award winner Goldberg--Ghost, The Color Purple) remains undaunted in her decades-long quest for a murder conviction against Byron De La Beckwith (James Woods--Casino, Nixon), her husband's killer. Together, Evers and DeLaughter beat the odds and rewrite history.
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PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)

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7 отзывов