
2018 • 80 minutes
7 avis
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À propos de ce film

When Electronic Dance Music was blowing up around the world and DJ's where becoming superstars, director Kandeyce Jorden began this film to profile the top women behind the decks. She discovered and interviewed DJ Irene, Colette, DJ Rap and many others, but when she met the legendary DJ Sandra Collins, her interest became an obsession. Documenting Collins rise to superstar DJ status led Jorden around the world and down a rabbit hole. Fifteen years in the making, GIRL is about music, love, and what you find when you get really lost.

Notes et avis

7 avis
Brian Foster
17 sánzá ya motóbá 2018
GARBAGE! This is not a true documentary. It is more like the ramblings on an unfulfilled mother, wife, business woman, and her sudden GIRL crush on DJ Sandra Collins. The films producer shows herself on camera almost 35% of the "NOTcumentary." Who does that? The movie is about the female DJs, but we see director Kandeyce Jorden onscreen way too much. We see her caring for her baby and feeling bad about leaving her baby to go on DJ parties. She goes through the typical "I have a baby, but I want MORE! I am woman! I want to PARTY!" We see her chasing her girl crush around, downing drinks, and crying in a hotel room when Sandra Collins ditches her to make it to an important gig. No real time is spent talking about the history of female DJs. It doesn't even talk about who Sandra really is and how she reached her level of stardom. It's 80 minutes or so of awful camera work, Sandra and Kandeyce downing alcohol everywhere and sweaty rave preppies partying and drinking their nights away. The other female DJs got a lousy five to eight minutes of screen time. This was a true disappointment. GIRL is really about director Kandeyce Jorden and not much else.
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Jay Wetherington
19 sánzá ya motóbá 2018
Old school. ..Loved it. ..💙
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Al Lwl Al Lwl
12 sánzá ya zómi 2019
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