God's Not Dead 2

2016 • 120 minutos
2.06 K opiniones
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Acerca de esta película

When high school history teacher Grace Wesley (Melissa Joan Hart) is asked a question about Jesus in class, her reasoned response lands her in deep trouble. The ensuing epic court case could expel God from the classroom-and the public square-once and for all! GOD'S NOT DEAD 2 is a powerful call to action. Where will you stand? (Original Title - God's Not Dead 2) - 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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2.06 K opiniones
25 de enero de 2021
Let me preface this review by saying that even though I'm not strictly religious, I believe in Jesus, and other more devout Christians than me feel offended by this movie because it's pretty much propaganda. The first God's Not Dead was so bad that it became my favorite comedy of all time. This one isn't terribly made and doesn't depict all atheists as morally corrupt psychopaths like the last one so there's that, but it still pushes the same us versus them narrative. It's just that instead of saying that atheists hate God, it's saying that the Left hates God. That's exactly what I wanted out of this movie because I never expected to take this movie seriously. However, because it's not terrible from a filmmaking standpoint, it's not as funny. In the first film, everything was over the top. Every atheist is a Disney villain. This one's just mediocre propaganda to me, but it's also just a mediocre movie. At least the first God's Not Dead had one genuinely great scene, that being the scene where the dementia patient tells her son about "the devil's cage". There's no such scene in GND2. Good or bad, nothing hits the same like it used to. The best part of the movie is the laughably evil villain. Every time I see him on screen, I chuckle a little. He looks like Gman from Half Life, and his devilish grin is hilarious. He's like Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame except he's an atheist. I also find it hilariously unconvincing that in the movie, there's so much anti Christian sentiment in Arkansas of all places. Maybe if this took place in California or Oregon it wouldn't be as ridiculous. That being said, an infinitesimal fraction of liberals are actually like this, just like how an infinitesimal fraction of conservatives are nazis, and at least half of the liberals I've known in my life (I live in California so that's a lot) are Christians. But no, according to this film we all wanna kill you for being uppity about God. Veggie Tales is more likely to convert people than this movie, and I feel ashamed for paying money to see it. TLDR: God's Not Dead 2 is mediocre and the best Christian film is Prince of Egypt.
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Un usuario de Google
10 de septiembre de 2017
I believe in God and Jesus and every word in the Bible (King James version). I have also seen what our mighty God can do to a man who stands before the altar and begs Him for forgiveness. It's one of the most beautiful spectacles to witness, watching a soul get saved. So many Liberals and atheists who push God away have probably never gone to a church in their lives and just automatically give this movie 1 star because it deals with God and His existence. I also just have to say this; athiests and Liberals are the scum of society. I actually prefer to be around a Buddhist than an athiest, because athiests for some reason can't seem to shut up about God, when they dont even believe in Him! Literally every time a believer brings God up around an athiest, that said athiest has to scream out that God aint real and that science explains absolutely everything! Sure. I'm not saying that America is the worst country in the world (although it was when Obama was in office), but it's these kinds of controversial topics that degrade our society to what it is now - broken. People say that Christians did this to themselves by trying so hard to push our religion onto others who have different beliefs, but all we are trying to do is spead God's word so that others can too know what we know. I will be so happy when the day comes that prayer is allowed back in school.
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Serena Peneaux
3 de septiembre de 2016
Okay, I am a Christian and I don't believe in the bible but I believe in god and to all you non believers out there thinking oh yes he is not alive he is trust me I have seen it and you may think I am crazy but I am not. I believe that God or Jesus Christ is alive and will take up all the people who believed in him in a blink of an eye and the rest of them will stay on the ground and be hunting for food then, he will strike down and burn everything into dust and remake the world.
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