Gone Fishin'

1997 • 94 minút
7 recenzií
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Tento film

Gus and Joe love to fish. Since their boyhoods, they have spent day after day on the dock praying to catch "The Big One" - but with no success. After winning Bait & Tackle's grand prize vacation package, the bosom buddies set out for the adventure they have always dreamed of in the plentiful Florida Everglades - but chaos and havoc turn Joe and Gus' much-anticipated fishing retreat into a comedic run for their lives.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

7 recenzií
thomas grainger
18. novembra 2020
Verry funny film great could watch it again and again never gets old
Alison Connolly
16. augusta 2016
Hysterical Joe pece
Jason Connah
26. decembra 2015
Great film