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Good Time

2017 • 97 ደቂቃዎች
27 ግምገማዎች
የተሰጡት ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች የተረጋገጡ አይደሉም  የበለጠ ለመረዳት
ኦዲዮም ሆነ የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በቋንቋዎ አይገኙም። ኦዲዮ በእንግሊዝኛ ይገኛል።

ስለዚህ ፊልም

After a heist goes awry, a bank robber tries to free his brother from Rikers Island, all in one night.

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

27 ግምገማዎች
22 ጃንዋሪ 2018
Resonates and reverberates through my life as much as the soundtrack contained with it. A masterful piece of cinema and easily one of my favourite movies of all time. Pattinson is unrecognisable, the cast exemplary, the direction perfect. Has left me in a state of emotion no movie has managed for decades. Sums up the sometimes chaotic aspects of youth and the yearning for true freedom for me. Anyone who worked on this movie should be proud and with deepest earnestness, thank you.
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?
Happy G (Life)
3 ኦገስት 2019
Great film with fantastic visuals with brilliant actors. Was surprised how good the twilight guy was. Watched it on netflix and highly recommended it
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?
የGoogle ተጠቃሚ
5 ጁን 2018
This was a let down - trailer looked good but Pattison wasn't good in this. Turned it off.
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?

ለዚህ ፊልም ደረጃ ይስጡ

ምን እንደሚያስቡ ይንገሩን።