Grand Isle

2019 • 97 de minute
16 recenzii
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Despre acest film

Walter (Nicolas Cage) and his neglected wife lure a young man into their Victorian home to escape a hurricane. When the man is charged with murder by Det. Jones (Kelsey Grammar), he must reveal the couple's wicked secrets to save himself.

Evaluări și recenzii

16 recenzii
Mac Dank
17 februarie 2020
These other reviews have to be total trolls. The only reason I give this two stars is because I actually finished the movie, and it was almost in that category of being so bad that it's good. 1) Southern accents were garbage. 2) Plot/ story made NO sense. I didn't understand Cage and wife's relationship at the end. 3) Cage is a Marine vet, other guy is Navy. Yet Cage says "soldier to soldier". Cage breaks out a uniform at the end with PVT + SPC Army rank at the end. Trailer was better.
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19 ianuarie 2020
Interesting movie with a darkside that gets uncovered. I am on the fence about recommending this movie just due to some elements and how the writing is. The movie is set in the late 80s but if you look (not that hard) you will see the occasional modern day vehicle in the background. Overall, I would give it a 6.9/10. It has a decent thriller/action vibe to it but it falls a bit short on the writing.
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John Bahr
6 februarie 2020
I watched this movie tonight and i really enjoyed it i thought nic cage gives a good proformce and the story is good and dark worth seeing
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