Great Expectations

2013年 • 128分
136 件のレビュー


From the director of Four Weddings And A Funeral comes this absorbing adaptation of Charles Dickens' beloved novel starring Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes. An orphan who inherits a fortune from an anonymous source moves to London in hopes of finding a promising future -- and love. This lush, satisfying drama also stars Jeremy Irvine, Jason Flemyng and Robbie Coltrane.


136 件のレビュー
Great expectations, what a let down. Horrible, no real plot at all. Broning not worth seeing. Sorry I normally love this time.period movies.
4 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Luiz Prestes Massena Filho
I am a Historian, and teacher of the English Literature formed by the University of Oxford, England, UK. I have specialised myself mainly in the British Literature along the last 40 years. I have read and I have written a lot of commentaries of masterpieces of main writers of the English Literature. My favourites writers are: William Sheakespeare, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. I have read more than 350 times all the masterpieces of Sheakespeare and Dickens, and sincerely, I have loved the film, GREAT EXPECTATIONS. Obviously, there are "slight" differences in some points of the original narrative; nevertheless, more than 75% of that we can watch on this film matches perfectly with that was written originally by Dickens. Humblely, I do suggest to those who want to do any critics about this very film, take time to read the original text of Dickens, at least two times! Simply, amazing, wonderful such a production. Congratulations to the producers of this very film! Powerfully inspiring!!
18 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Omen Baphy
I didn't know they made this but it's always been one of my favorite books and they got helena Bonham Carter so how can you go wrong.