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Grizzly Man

2006. • 104 perc
36 vélemény
Az értékelések és vélemények nincsenek ellenőrizve További információ
Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre hangsáv: angol.

A filmről

In this mesmerizing new film, acclaimed director Werner Herzog explores the life and death of amateur grizzly bear expert and wildlife preservationist Timothy Treadwell, who lived unarmed among grizzlies for 13 summers. 2005 Lions Gate Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

Értékelések és vélemények

36 vélemény
Stephanie Carr
2016. május 19.
Im sorry but this man was a fool. Jabbering on for 10mins about how other explorers where homo but he wasnt he liked women made me think 'hes a homosexual' not to mention the sheer atupidity if this man.... He was a protector(?) but yet when hunters arrived he hid in the bushes. Just urgh.
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Lukas Broz
2021. március 8.
A story about troubled soul, a man who struggled to live in society and had a alcohol abuse problem. He found the thrill to be around bears to have a calming effect on his alcohol addiction and eventually stop drinking thanks to his interaction with wild animals. I feel him... sad he has gone the way he did but his life was fascinating. RIP Timothy
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Three Thrushes
2015. december 7.
This documentary features the story of Timothy Treadwell and how he came to live, and die, with bears. Timothy himself fascinates the viewer with his theatrics, but the 'supporting' cast of characters are also interesting. The real stars of the film is nature and the bears themselves, who have no need for a self-appointed guardian.
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