Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? (1967)

1967 • 108 minutit
140 arvustust
Vaadake veebibrauseris või toetatud seadmetes. Lisateave
Heli ega subtiitrid ei ole teie keeles saadaval. Subtiitrid on saadaval järgmistes keeltes: inglise.

Teave selle filmi kohta

A daughter brings her fiancé home to meet her parents, not having told them he's black. (Original Title - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967)) © 1967, renewed 1995 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

140 arvustust
Ronni Kenny
18. juuni 2021
Went to the movies with friends at age 20. It made me cry. I grew up in a NJ seashore community that was 40% black. So many of those kids were my friends and classmates and some bi-racial relationships were quickly discouraged. The movie made me sad for those relationships that might have flourished and didn’t due to bigotry.
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5. märts 2015
Good movie love original s
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Marc Middlebrook
14. oktoober 2015
This movie was a complete delight to watch and knowing a little about the history of it makes the movie that much better. The acting was genuine and true one could not ask for a better performance. The fact that the cast is but 20 people or less yet the movie kept you completely enthralled speaks volumes. I truly love this movie!
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