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Hard Kill

2021 • 98 minutos
3 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Et team av fryktløse leiesoldater ansettes av milliardæren Donovan Chalmers for å beskytte en ny type teknologi som -hvis det havner i feile hender -kan ødelegge verden. Deres oppdrag blir enda mer risikabelt når Chalmers 'datter blir kidnappet av den ekstremt farlige terrorgruppen The Pardoners, som ikke stopper for noe for å få tak i teknologien.

Valoracións e recensións

3 recensións
Morten Angvik-Kristiansen
21 de febreiro de 2021
Some of the worst acting I have ever seen from Bruce Willies. Choreography was bad. Bad spesial effects. Bad fight scenes. It all needed reality. Shooting our weapon and at the same time close your eyes. What are you gonna hit. Well at least two opponents and one hit in the head. I should get may money back.
Pareceuche útil?
8 de febreiro de 2021
Worst acting I have seen in quite some time. Even from Bruce Willis himself. The plot wasn't much to brag about here either.
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Marius Moen Aahjem
13 de febreiro de 2021
So bad!! So, so bad!!!
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