Hardcore Henry

2016年 • 96 分鐘
2360 則評論
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You remember nothing. Mainly because you’ve just been brought back from the dead by your wife who tells you that your name is Henry. Five minutes later, you are being shot at, your wife has been kidnapped, and you should probably go get her back. You’re also in an unfamiliar city of Moscow, and everyone wants you dead. If you can survive the insanity and solve the mystery, you might just discover your purpose and the truth behind your identity. Strap in for a wild ride that critics are calling “a revolutionary movie experience.” – Indiewire (Original Title - Hardcore Henry) - 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.


2360 則評論
Nathan North
"No well thought out plot. Blah blah blah, I'm just super needy and no one ever makes a movie exactly to my specifications. So I'm coming here to complain because I'm the idiot who wasted money." I enjoyed every bit of this movie. Great action, corny moments, some simple stuff that anyone should enjoy. People submerse themselves too far in all of this, just take the hour an half to watch it and have a good ass time. "Call of duty has a better story." Clearly from someone who's played all the COD titles. Lol
There's a reason the movie only made 14 million worldwide and yanked from the theatres two weeks after release. Don't listen to these morons that say it's great. These are the same people who claimed Blair witch project was the scariest movie ever. Shaky go pro camera filming will make you wanna vomit. Don't watch.
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Jon P
Dont bother. Save your money. Feel so strongly about how bad it was that I had to write my first review. It's just a movie Xbox game Clips pieced together. They literally took all of the opening video clips from game segments and strung them together. It's just the first person shooter game in the form of a movie. It really was no plot no story just a bunch of walking around.
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