Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

2005年 • 156分
7510 件のレビュー
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When Harry Potter's name emerges from the Goblet of Fire, he becomes a competitor in a grueling battle for glory among three wizarding schools - the Triwizard Tournament. But since Harry never submitted his name for the Tournament, who did? Now Harry must confront a deadly dragon, fierce water demons and an enchanted maze only to find himself in the cruel grasp of He Who Must Not Be Named. In this fourth film adaptation of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, everything changes as Harry, Ron and Hermione leave childhood forever and take on challenges greater than anything they could have imagined. MPAA Rating: PG-13 Rated PG-13 for sequences of fantasy violence and frightening images. HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire & Package Design © 2005 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


7510 件のレビュー
Akiel Issadeen
I usually buy all movies from Google. I purchased this Harry potter movie in (HD) and I got it with no issues at all. Thanks Google. But the reason why I put 3 stars is that the movie itself is not so good I have read the book and this is nothing close to it. Anyways still appreciate the actors and everyones effort in creating this movie and once again thank you Google.
Azul Mendes
La película de Harry Potter y El cáliz de fuego es donde cedric muere y el ojo loco no es él en realidad y volvemos Sí y regresa pero a mí me encantó Me encantó porque esta aplicación no sirve para nada miren que ahí dice comprar para qué Hay que comprar esos que karaoke café la aplicación y me encanta la parte cuando el vuela los dragones y se pelea con ron y es lo del baño cuando está en el baño y te lo del Huevo cuando lo hacen pero mi parte favorita es cuando sale los Espíritus Y su mamá y su papá cedri
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Kissamira 1
Фильм крутой мой любимий но такая оценка слушайте почему! 1.Слишком дорого а в хроме его можно мкачать бесплатно! 2.Долго скачеваеца а у меня интернет очень дорогой! 3.ви не думаете головой что приложение Play Market будет не успешним если ви будете фильми платние делать!
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