Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

2005 • 157 daqiqa
120 ta sharh
PG-13 (13 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
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Bu film haqida

It's Harry Potter's fourth term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Harry, Ron and Hermione look forward to the international Quidditch finals. Harry dreams of spending time with the alluring Cho Chang. He wants to be a normal 14-year-old wizard . . . But Harry is not normal--even by wizarding standards. This term, for the first time in hundreds of years, a competition will be held between three schools of wizardry, and contestants will be magically chosen for the very dangerous event. Now, as Harry's lightning scar burns, indicating the evil presence of Lord Voldemort, the Goblet of Fire makes its final selection for the competition--Harry Potter.
Yoshga oid cheklov
PG-13 (13 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

Reytinglar va sharhlar

120 ta sharh
Mike Torres
26-aprel, 2021
"Angel broken" your a stupid individual no one care's what you have to say about a "movie"...man people keep your stupid nonsense to your self or go jump off a cliff we have enough oh my god people in this world..
29 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Jason Cote
23-sentabr, 2021
Definitely one of my favorites in the movie series. The story develops into more emotionally mature content but hits that young teen awkwardness nicely. Lots of different details lost from the book version though.
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Mike Johnson
13-iyun, 2021
5 stars to outweigh haters 1 star. Yeah the creator sucks, but the fans stole the movie.
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