Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

2011 • 130 минут
112 шүүмж
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The motion picture event of the generation comes to a close in the second part of the final chapter in the monumental Harry Potter series. Following 2010's first installment, the boy wizard's final adventure concludes with the climactic final battle between "The Boy Who Lived" and the Dark Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes). Making their final stand upon the ramparts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Ron and Hermione (Rupert Grint and Emma Watson) face their greatest foe and make the ultimate sacrifice on the landmark journey that bestselling author J.K. Rowling first undertook more than a decade ago.
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112 шүүмж
Horimo Namon
2021 оны арван хоёрдугаар сарын 14
The directors come back and ruin everything here. Voldemort isn't a supernatural being that can turn into dust when he dies. Also the ending when Harry meets Snape on his dying breath he says "look at me, you have your mother's eyes" and a few moments later Harry meets his mother who doesn't share the same eyes as him(LOL) nice try directors next time try getting a actress who has blue eyes or give them contacts. Anyways everyone at the end in this film romance is soured and tainted.
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Labella Nazario
2020 оны долоодугаар сарын 21
to a close in thesecond part of the final chapter in the monumental Harry Potter series.Following 2010's first installment, the boy wizard's final adventureconcludes with the climactic final battle between "The Boy Who Lived"and the Dark Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes). Making their final standupon the ramparts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, HarryPotter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Ron and Hermione (Rupert Grintand Emma Watson) face their greatest foe and make the ultimate .
53 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
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Jason Cote
2021 оны есдүгээр сарын 23
The movie is enjoyable enough but leaves out some significant details of the final encounter between Harry and Tom Riddle in the book version, including the concept of remorse. It was a remarkable detail in the story and noteworthy to have been left out. The depiction of the final battles with Bellatrix LeStrange were also noteworthy omissions. The story telling of Bellatrix as a dueller in the book speaks of her ferocity and relentlessness. The movie misses the mark completely.
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