
2019. • 92 минута
25 рецензија
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О овом филму

On Halloween, a group of friends encounter an "extreme" haunted house that promises to feed on their darkest fears. The night turns deadly as they come to the horrifying realization that some monsters are real.

Оцене и рецензије

25 рецензија
Paul Morton
20. април 2020.
From my wife - "Another predictable, same old boring horror. Yeah, great idea - split up, run upstairs instead of out, only sort of knock out the bad guy and definitely leave him with the gun... Could have been good but was not."
Art By Christian
22. април 2020.
Wasn't expecting too much to be honest, not a new idea but I think it was presented well and I enjoyed the film. The main antagonists were creepy and well played, don't expect an instant classic but as a creepy thrillride it was well worth the price of admission :)
Mel Stone
5. септембар 2020.
Had all the basic markers of a decent horror film. More gory than actually frightening. Reminded me a bit of House of Wax. Okay, but nothing special.