
2012 • 100 minutu
228 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan dago erabilgarri audioa: norvegiera.

Film honi buruz

Roger is a charming scoundrel and Norway's most accomplished headhunter. He lives a life of luxury well beyond his means and subsidizes his expensive lifestyle by stealing highly prized art. When his beautiful wife, an art gallery owner, introduces him to a former mercenary in possession of an extremely valuable painting, he decides to risk it all in order to obtain it, and in doing so, he discovers something that makes him a hunted man himself.

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228 iritzi
Dwayne McDougle
2015(e)ko abuztuaren 22(a)
This was surprisingly a good movie. Do not let the subtitles stop you from watching it. It had a little everything a movie should have. The twists the movie takes were somewhat unexpected and made the movie that much more exciting to watch.
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Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2015(e)ko azaroaren 1(a)
Entertaining and a decent twist on what could have been a predictable by the numbers thriller. Sit back, enjoy, and don't examine it too deeply or the plot holes become apparent.
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Matthew Rafat
2018(e)ko uztailaren 23(a)
I don't know why I didn't like this film. It felt as if something was missing, but I cannot pinpoint the reason for my dislike. Perhaps the movie was too formulaic, too neat. I suggest you watch Sweden's A Man Called Ove (2015) instead.
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