Sami Hughes
- Segnala come inappropriata
What a truely beautiful story. I kind of like the fact that the movie doesn't go into detail about what Victor did and focus' on his chance to heal. There are ups and downs in this movie that may make you feel like your on a roller coaster ride. At the same time it gives you the opportunity to see something truly inspiring with in the tale if you give it a chance too. When this movie came out in cinemas I feel that it didn't get enough attention then and after having watched it for the first time.. I still feel that this movie was not given enough attention. A truly Beautiful story about love, hope, healing and finding your way... What an inspirational story.. I kind of feel like the ending was left open ended though. Which is the only reason I took a star off of my over all rating. If i had it my way I'd take less then a quarter off of a star for this movie but unfortunately Google doesn't' allow that.
Karina Dhyani Mereki
- Segnala come inappropriata
This film is not an action drama, but rather a deep dive into the connection between to hurt beings, trying to survive and heal. Wonderfully acted by Don Hany and Hugo Weaver. This is truely a classic Australian drama that delivers compassion and understanding for the human spirit and the bond we can have with nature and all creatures great and small.
Daniela Duspara
- Segnala come inappropriata
If you see any Australian movie, make it this one.. Almost perfectly made...