
2021 • 106 minutu
2 iritzi
Ikus ezazu web-arakatzaile batean edo bateragarriak diren gailuetan Lortu informazio gehiago
Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Based on the book Heaven: The Adventure Begins by author Alan Duprey and adapted to screenplay by screenwriter Angus Benfield, new faith based film Heaven, tells the story of Jonathan Stone, a middle-aged paramedic who struggles to find meaning in the midst of his everyday life, until he wakes up one day in Heaven and discovers that his life had more meaning than he could ever have imagined. Set between Heaven and Earth, Heaven follows the life and afterlife of Jonathan Stone and the lives of those around him from his past, present and future.

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2 iritzi
Renee Parent
2021(e)ko urriaren 10(a)
🙏 I believe in Angels , Feathers I know that my MOM as kids GRAMPA and Gandma as my loves are sending US fathers sometimes ❤
2021(e)ko urriaren 18(a)
Really well made, with an excellent story