Nate Davies
It's strange watching Milla Jovovich play a 'villain', when 95% of her roles she's the undisputed hero. But that legacy comes with a price. Assuming her growth without RE under her belt, I've come to expect a certain.. lack of effort on her part. Physically, she works well. Emotionally? Not so much. But Hellboy's control is actually better suited than the laissez faire style of the previous films, and David Harbour is actually quite capable in this capacity.
Patrick Bartholomew
Awful doesn't begin to describe this boring and uninspired attempt at a cash grab. I'm so glad it failed. From the CG to the script to the acting, everything not only fails to meet up to the standards of its predecessors but fails to meet the basic standards of even a B-movie. There is no joy in any of this.
Kevin Geremia
The new Hellboy is alright. It has pacing issues, mainly due to the editing and plot. Unfortunately the characters do not drive the story forward, only reacting to outside forces until the movie concludes. It is fun enough, but not for all.