
2019. • 85 minuta
4 recenzije
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O ovom filmu

A love triangle featuring the trophy girlfriend of a petty drug lord, caught up in a web of luxury and violence in a modern dark gangster tale set in the beautiful port city of Bodrum on the Turkish Riviera.

Ocene i recenzije

4 recenzije
15. jun 2019.
This version of this film has been edited, and there are eight minutes missing from the real film. Google doesn’t want adults - who are capable of making their own decisions about what art they wish to view - to see the real the film, but only one that has parts that someone at Google didn’t like removed, and more importantly they DON’T TELL YOU THIS on the movie’s page, which is frankly misleading you into thinking you’re seeing the actual film as the creator intended. It’s a good movie, but this version simply isn’t the film the filmmaker made.
jamsheed siyar
3. april 2019.
DO NOT rent this. This version cuts out the central scene that is the reason this film has been talked about so much. This is like watching a version of PSYCHO where someone's cut out the shower scene. But what's doubly annoying is that nowhere do they mention this is an edited cut.
3 osobe smatraju da je ova recenzija korisna
Joe Berardinelli
26. mart 2021.
Edited. Google Censorship. Down with Big Tech.