Hollywood Hotel

1937 • 109 minutit
3 arvustust
Vaadake veebibrauseris või toetatud seadmetes. Lisateave
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Teave selle filmi kohta

If you love music, check into Hollywood Hotel. The story's about a filmland newbie (Dick Powell) caught between a spoiled star (Lola Lane) and her likeable look-alike (Lola's look-alike sister Rosemary Lane). But the movie's about Busby Berkeley's ace direction -- and music, music, music. The film opens with the jubilant debut of Tinseltown's unofficial anthem Hooray for Hollywood. The jaunty Let That Be a Lesson to You shows off Berkeley's snazzy-jazzy mastery of editing and camera angles. And Benny Goodman and His Orchestra -- including Harry James on trumpet and Gene Krupa on drums -- swing, swing, swing into Sing, Sing, Sing. Hooray for Hollywood Hotel!

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3 arvustust

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