Tom Grimes
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I thought the film had aesthetic balance meaning its storyline is plausible, it is well-paced, the storyline is pleasingly linear and easy to follow, and the dialog is so well written and delivered that I suspect some of it is ad libbed. Lighting, audio and editing were workman like. It's a well-told tale, nicely spun out. The only thing that interrupted suspended belief for me were some of the split screens. They got in the way occasionally. It was either Melville or Hawthorne who said good writing is like looking at a scene in a garden through a glass window and forgetting the window is there. Bad writing is a glass window with smudges; you never forget you're looking through a window. Some of the split screens reminded me I was looking through a glass window. Otherwise, I was right there with them most of the time..right there in the room.
Sunny Scott
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A good movie to watch on the airplane! Which is exactly what I did and I thoroughly enjoyed it. A weird, funky, black comedy.