Brian Ambrozy
Once in a while I like to turn my brain off and just watch a dumb action movie. I'm almost never disappointed since they serve their purpose... but this one? This one was too dumb even for me. It's one of those movies that makes you think "why would Liam Neeson sign up for this?" It's that much of a stinker. Everything is phoned in, and as another reviewer noted, they couldn't even put 100% effort into the lame CGI. I've seen better explosion graphics from amateur videos on YouTube. Anyways, this movie was really bad. A totally phoned-in script, completely absurd motivations, and wooden, robotic attempts at "emotion". Just bad.
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Steven Liang
Good concept, the continuity is off, the footage available for editing is not pace well, the writing need more polishing, could spend more time on the takes, other than that, I enjoy watching Liam and that guy who played the bad guy. Both actors have more to offer but not in this movie. They should just wait for a great script and a good team even though fewer people see it. I little disappointment since I am a fan of Liam.
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matt wagner
I rarely leave reviews, but when I do, they're positive. This is an exception. I think Neeson is great, but the writing in this movie is like the notes friends wrote in my high school yearbook. The fight/shootout scenes are ridiculuous. There's a scene with an explosion with CGI that looks like it's from a free Youtube movie. Magazines get unloaded into cars and sofas and nobody gets seriously hurt. An FBI agent gets murdered (not a spoiler--it's in the trailer) and the FBI just goes about their business. I was so puzzled when it was over. "What did I just watch?" Two-stars for managing to get Neeson to sign up.
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