Honey 2

2012 • 110 minút
440 recenzií
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Tento film

After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself. Maria pours her heart and soul into dance and begins training her crew, the HDs, to compete on the television dance competition "Dance or Die". Like Honey before her, Maria rediscovers the thrill of dancing as she finds out who she truly is and where she belongs.

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440 recenzií
15. júna 2013
Maybe I set my expectations too high but I actually thought it was going to be a lot more intense, dramatic & inspiring than the original. Instead, this movie failed to balance out. In other words, it had a lot of new & creative dance moves but the plot didn't thicken. Yet, it was neither good nor bad, therefore, it deserves 3 stars. HOWEVER, I gave it an extra star because of the creativity and for having better looking men in it too; specifically Randy Wayne ;)
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Mutt Mcmuttly
13. septembra 2016
I never git tired of honeuy movies cuz they got dance and romance what more do u need so dude in spaandex acting like hes a superhero jimpin up all building. We need more heros like honey, she whip captain americans flat ass fo sure.
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Používateľ služieb Google
11. marca 2012
Honey 2 was AWESOME! I loved it. I just wish the girl from honey 1 could've came out at the end. The quality was great. no doubt. <3 Motorola DROID X
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