Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves

1997. g. • 74 minūtes
119 atsauksmes
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Par šo filmu

Wayne Szalinski is back and this time his notorious shrink machine misfires again, and it is the adults who are shrunk. Believing their parents have left them home alone for the weekend, the kids take advantage of their newfound unsupervised freedom by filing up on junk food, Rollerblading in the house, playing loud music, and throwing a party for their friends. While desperately trying to get the kids to notice them, since they are only 1/2 of an inch tall, the adults are able to learn a few things about their kids.

Vērtējumi un atsauksmes

119 atsauksmju
Isaac Parks
2016. gada 20. novembris
I kinda laughed at how many bags of chips they thought they needed for a party. Besides that it's pretty much a piece of crap. Don't waste your money. If you really want to see it watch it on Netflix.
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Baby Alive Fun - And more!!
2017. gada 26. februāris
Ya know they should've got eaten by there kids like I mean you have to make someone got eaten by their kid 😡😡😡 it would just be more good to see
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Lukas Catmull
2016. gada 5. jūlijs
The movie wasn't all that bad. I was just really surprised at how many times they threw chips!
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