
2020 • 65 minut
27 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

Six friends hire a medium to conduct a séance during lockdown for their weekly Zoom call. Jemma decides to pull a prank and makes up a story about a boy she knew in high school who hung himself. By doing this, Jemma inadvertently invites a demonic presence to cross over. Soon the friends begin noticing strange occurrences in their homes as the evil spirit begins to make itself known, and they all realize this night may be their last.

Hodnocení a recenze

27 recenzí
star child
5. prosince 2020
This movie is a rip-off and a complete waste of time. People gather on zoom, chat, some dude uses foul sexist language, and then you watch (SPOILERS!) a seance. An idiot girl makes up a lie and a demon terrorises them all. Literally a horrible movie. I didn't finish it. Wanna see a good ghostie? Watch The Changeling with George C. Scott. For free. On youtube. Requires an attention span and setting down your mobile for an hour (hard, I know). This generation is being completely ripped off by lazy, stupid movies for the text brain generation.
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Richard Ventresca
7. října 2021
Seriously, scariest movie ever? Maybe i am jaded because I just watched Sinister, which was truely creepy, but this was just boring. I must have watched a completely different version of this film than all of the glowing reviewers did, because this was just simply trite, dull, and predictable. I've seen episodes of scooby doo that frightened me more,
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justin time
16. října 2021
The only reason I gave this a shot was because an article ranked A24 horror movies and ranked this better than Hereditary. It is no way better than Hereditary. It has it's moments but it's not that great.
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