
2018 • 134 minutu
296 iritzi
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Set in 1892, HOSTILES tells the story of a legendary Army Captain Christian Bale, who, after stern resistance, reluctantly agrees to escort a dying Cheyenne war chief Wes Studi and his family back to tribal lands. Making the harrowing and perilous journey from Fort Berringer, an isolated Army outpost in New Mexico, to the grasslands of Montana, the former rivals encounter a young widow Rosamund Pike whose family was murdered on the plains. Together, they must join forces to overcome the punishing landscape, hostile Comanche, and vicious outliers that they encounter along the way.

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296 iritzi
Wisteria777 S
2020(e)ko apirilaren 3(a)
This movie lives up to its eponymous name. It explores the hostile acts of violence that can come out of a person toward another, and how this violence is justified as either right or wrong. Sadly, this film wasn't about saving lives; it left behind remnants, victims on both sides. Christian Bale gives us a superb character study. Thumbs up!
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Daniel Elizondo
2018(e)ko maiatzaren 9(a)
Overall a pretty good movie. The performances are good and cinematography is beautiful. However, it seems a bit long and the dialogue is boring. I was hoping for something along the lines of Wind River, but its not quite there.
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Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2018(e)ko abuztuaren 18(a)
Good story. Dialogue does seem to be lacking. Shows good and evil on both sides - as is true of all humanity. CB and WS great and RP good but need better script and need something but i would say that silence is another character in this film.
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