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Hot Fuzz

2007. • 120 минута
252 рецензијe
Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: арапски, бугарски, грчки, дански, кинески (традиционално кинеско писмо), мађарски, норвешки, португалски, пољски, словеначки, тајски, турски, фински, хебрејски, холандски, чешки, шведски, шпански и шпански (Латинска Америка).

О овом филму

When top London cop, PC Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg), is reassigned to the quiet town of Sandford, he struggles with his seemingly crime-free world ... and oafish partner Danny (Nick Frost). When several grisly accidents rock the village, it's not long before Danny's dreams of explosive, high-octane, car-chasing, gun fighting, all-out action become reality! It's time for these small-town cops to hand out big-city justice! - ( Original Title - Hot Fuzz )

Оцене и рецензије

252 рецензијe
22. новембар 2016.
Super hilarious and outrageously funny plot of a society who kill just to get a award and a village that has a "low" crime rate. This has got to be one of my favourite movies yet.
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Richard (Ritchey)
13. новембар 2017.
So well made and so utterly ridiculous and funny. Nick and Simon just nailed it with this story (again) So if you like Shaun of the dead, this one will be wery different but just as fun
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28. децембар 2013.
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost return in the second blood and ice cream film. Impeccable writing, flawless editing. One of the best comedys of the last decade.
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